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The TUDOR collection achieves a delicate balance between elegance and performance. TUDOR has brought elegance into its own as an expression of style and personality.

Watches are inspired by the retro chic design of the 1950s and 1960s. Classic refinement with a modern twist, where attention to detail and clean lines emphasise timeless style. Performance is an expression of state-of-the-art technology dedicated to total reliability and evokes the excitement that springs from a passion for speed. The latter inspired the development of the chronograph watches that have always been at the heart of the TUDOR collection.



The TUDOR collection achieves a delicate balance between elegance and performance. TUDOR has brought elegance into its own as an expression of style and personality. Watches are inspired by the retro chic design of the 1950s and 1960s. Classic refinement with a modern twist, where attention to detail and clean lines emphasise timeless style. Performance is an expression of state-of-the-art technology dedicated to total reliability and evokes the excitement that springs from a passion for speed. The latter inspired the development of the chronograph watches that have always been at the heart of the TUDOR collection.

Tudor Black Bay|帝舵經典Heritage Black Bay潛水錶推出新款 |譽一鐘錶

Tudor black bay 帝舵經典名錶Heritage Black Bay潛水錶全新金鋼,搭配帝舵表製造機芯MT5612,另有青銅及仿古皮錶帶,立即了解更多。譽一鐘錶是Tudor 帝舵香港及澳門的零售商,服務專業,香港: 太子始創中心,澳門: 金沙城中心及巴黎人。

tudor black bay 帝舵經典Heritage Black Bay潛水表新款上市,就在譽一鐘錶行

tudor black bay手錶也是世界知名的手錶,它的設計是從美學設計兼具技術性能完美平衡的,在手錶市場上面它以獨特的風格與個性,給佩戴者帶來了不凡的優雅氣度。它的設計十分的經典,同時有非常的風尚,品牌一貫的精細工藝使得手錶具有流暢的線條,魅力無窮。

tudor black bay帝舵經典Heritage Black Bay潛水表全部都是採用全新的金剛打造的,搭配上帝舵表製作的機芯MT5612,還有青銅以及仿古皮錶帶,整體呈現出來的是非常休閒的感覺。這款手錶的全部工藝多順也都是人手工打造的,具有超凡的潛水功能更是可以令佩戴者暢快淋漓的享受淺海的樂趣。由於它具有的獨特的美麗以及精准的時間計時能力,因此在市場中特別的搶眼。當然了,這款手錶的銷售商也都是世界知名的專櫃,香港譽一鐘錶行在世界上也是小有名氣的,在香港以及很多地方都開設了自己的店鋪,在這家店鋪中購買喜歡的帝舵表可謂是最放心的。

選擇手錶一定要與自己本身的氣質相匹配,只有這樣才能夠令整體的形象再上一個高度,tudor black bay的知名度雖然不及勞力士高,但是它的青睞者群體的數量也是非常龐大的,這足以說明這個品牌的手錶的魅力所在。

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